so. revisit the old plan. soak it in some hot water, spit on the blood stains, scrub vigorously, wring thoroughly, hang it out to dry. same big idea, different approach.
most everything we were planning on doing in south america and new zealand centered around backpacking, hiking, tramping, walkabouts, or general bipedal motion. i figure in asia we can settle into the slow pace of life and teach english or volunteer somewhere. i can rehab my leg. we can relax on beaches. read books in hammocks. marinate in the slow life.
1 comment:
hey k2smith and lkm, i'm your blog's fan now, as it shows up on my google reader very frequently - assuming with the leg situation new posts will just continue on flowing.... missed y'alls at the wedding....
glad you got a new plan - chill asia time sounds fun. ksmith, how do you embed these fun maps?
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