Saturday, July 18, 2009

buenos aires street shots

thought we´d see this sort of thing in bolivia, not buenos aires.
From city & country - buenos aires & salta

in a street market in la boca, lola got friendly with some shopkeepers. she got some training in how to sell knockoff shoes.
From city & country - buenos aires & salta

there were a couple of real life representations of animals throughout the city. here are 2 of our favorites.
From city & country - buenos aires & salta

From city & country - buenos aires & salta

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing =) I'm so excited that I'm going to do a tour in argentina!!! So any recommendation you'd like to give me, what would be great!!
Hope youcan give me lots of suggestions, bacause any of my friends or relatives have ever been there before, and I want this to be a perfect trip