Saturday, May 9, 2009

horse whisperer

From kiwi tramps

in a strange sequence of events that i still don't understand, lola, kim, yu and i were asked by this guy (above) to help load his horse (below) into his trailer. we were sitting at the start of a trail by the coast around noon during a weekday, and the kiwi man gets out of his truck and starts up a conversation with yus (note that yu is like a magnet for troubled weirdos). 15 minutes later, yu is prodding the horse into place and the girls and i are moving fence gates and pulling the horse into the trailer. the whole process took nearly and hour and a half, mostly b/c the man moved like molasses.
From kiwi tramps

we were never entirely positive that the old man actually owned the horse. the horse was in an untended field on what seemed to be public property. we felt more like accomplices in a theft than upright citizens helping out an elderly gentleman. eventually the horse was loaded in the trailer and we can now call ourselves corralers of horses. but for all we know, the man took the horse away to glue factory and made a few bucks off his unwitting accomplices. who knows?

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