Sunday, March 1, 2009

hoi an fishing

we tried to go fishing with the locals in hoi an. alicia, nico, lkm, and i got up and out to the docks by 6:45 am- very early for us vacationers. we found that the locals had already been up for the last 2 hours. so we got some coffee and beers to go and jumped on board with our guide.
From vietnam w alicia & nico

From vietnam w alicia & nico

we were line fishing using fresh prawns. we thought these would be pretty tasty to any fish in the river, but we were wrong. spent the morning fishing at 3 different spots... and we didn't catch a thing. except some sort of bacterial infection from swimming in the river. had a fever for the next 2 days.

all along the river are huge nets set up on tent poles... its like the opposite of carnival tent. the locals have been fishing like this for decades. around evening time, they lower the nets and turn on a powerful fluorescent light. fish, squid, and crustaceans are attracted to the mysterious light and after an hour, the fisherman raise the net up above the water line. pretty ingenious.
From vietnam w alicia & nico

From vietnam w alicia & nico

we did see some folks throwing nets from their boat. after gathering up the weighted net, the fisherman wheels around like a discus thrower and hurls the net outward. its pretty magical. there's a series of throwing shots on picasa (starting here) and some good ones below.
From vietnam w alicia & nico

From vietnam w alicia & nico

From vietnam w alicia & nico

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